The Vision: Seeing Beyond the Now

God’s vision for us is not always obvious at first. Often, it’s planted in our hearts in subtle ways—through desires, passions, and burdens that begin to stir within us. Over time, He clarifies that vision, helping us see how it connects to His greater plan. This vision is not just about us—it’s about His Kingdom and our role in advancing it. It’s a call to step into something bigger than ourselves and trust that God will guide us step by step.

As we journey with God, we begin to see how the vision unfolds in ways that we could never have imagined. In the beginning, it might look like a seed of an idea or an invitation to something we are unsure about. But over time, as we seek God’s direction and stay faithful, He brings more clarity and understanding, revealing how His plans are bigger than anything we could have dreamed on our own.

The Prophecy: Awakening to Your Divine Calling

Have you ever felt a nudge deep within your spirit, a persistent sense that there’s more to your life than meets the eye? That’s often how God begins to speak to us, subtly yet profoundly, calling us to a purpose far greater than we could ever imagine. For me, this awakening came on what seemed like an ordinary day—a day that changed the trajectory of my life forever.

In this first part of the Shift Into Legacy series, I’ll take you back to where it all began: the moment of prophecy. This was the spark that ignited a 10-year journey of purpose, transformation, and impact. My hope is that as you read, you’ll see echoes of your own story and feel inspired to embrace the divine calling on your life.

The Call to Legacy: Embracing the Invitation

When we think of legacy, we often imagine grand acts or monumental achievements—famous leaders, iconic movements, or significant contributions that impact the world for generations. However, the truth is that legacy often begins in the most ordinary moments of our lives.

God doesn’t always call us in dramatic ways or on grand stages. Sometimes, His invitation to a legacy begins with a simple word, a quiet whisper, or an everyday encounter. The challenge lies in recognizing these moments and being open to the extraordinary things God wants to accomplish through them.

In this post, we will explore how ordinary moments can reveal extraordinary callings, how to recognize God’s voice when He speaks, and I will share a personal story about how one phone call marked the start of my own legacy journey.

Welcome to the Shift Into Legacy Movement: Arise Into Your Divine Calling

Sister, it’s time to arise. The whole of creation is waiting for your manifestation. Families are counting on your courage to step into the vision God has given you. Children, teens, and parents need the solutions that only you can provide.

Your assignment is not a coincidence—it’s a calling. God has entrusted you with a vision that is uniquely yours, and now is the time to clarify it, design it, and implement it with boldness and grace.